What is the importance of DC cooling fans in RPM guidelines?

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Many manufacturers, when choosing DC fan manufacturers, first consider the environment they use and the features they need, and then find fans that meet their needs based on these standards. What does RPM represent? Let's understand the importance of RPM together.

One method to determine whether a DC fan is properly designed and whether the motor can operate at temperature rise is to calculate the ratio of fan speed (RPM) to fan efficiency power. The general industry standard is that if the speed is increased by 10%, the power consumption needs to be increased by 30%. For a well-designed DC fan, for every 10% increase in speed, the power consumption needs to increase by no more than 30%, otherwise the motor will enter a saturated driving state. And this saturated driving state will lead to the premature end of the fan's lifespan. In order to maintain the RPM/W standard, it is necessary to increase the size of the silicon steel sheet or reduce the PQ value. These will increase product costs, otherwise the temperature rise of the motor will be too high. It will greatly reduce the service life of the product.

The above can reflect the impact of good DC fan performance on electricity costs, as well as the impact of the motor's operating temperature (directly proportional to input power) on the fan, while the motor's operating temperature is inversely proportional to the product's lifespan. Special attention should be paid that according to industry standards, every 10 ° C increase in the operating temperature of the motor will reduce the product life by half.